How GED Online Works

Online Proctored GED Testing The standard method for GED testing, known as online proctoring, has become a common alternative to in-person testing at a physical test center. In the online proctored GED® exam, specialized software oversees your computer’s...

Fast GED Online

Are you in search of a fast GED online solution? Wondering if there’s a platform where you can swiftly acquire your GED certificate? Look no further because has the ideal answer for you. If you’ve been exploring the fastest route to...

How to Get Your GED as an Adult

For adults lacking a high school diploma, acquiring a GED offers numerous advantages. You might wonder, “As an adult, is pursuing education still feasible? What options do I have?” The straightforward response is: It’s never too late. Your worth...

Can I Join the Military with a GED?

Join the Military With a GED Certificate!  Each individual charts a unique course in their educational and career journey. For many, a military career serves as a compelling alternative to college or trade pursuits. While some individuals enlist in the military...