The GED transcript serves as the official documentation of the GED test subjects you completed and your corresponding scores. Numerous colleges and universities mandate that applicants furnish a copy of their transcript as part of the acceptance and admission process. It is important to note that GED transcripts, diplomas, and certificates can solely be obtained through official GED channels. Caution is advised when dealing with any other services claiming to provide these credentials, as they are likely to be fraudulent.

How Can I Get My GED Transcript?

Original Copies

In certain states, you typically receive an email immediately after passing the GED, containing a digital copy of both your diploma and transcript. However, if you haven’t received an email, it’s possible that you live in a state that issues paper copies instead. To confirm, refer to your state’s GED policy page and review their procedures. Regardless of the delivery method, whether through email or paper, these documents serve as your official diploma and transcript. Upon receipt, download and save them promptly.

Request GED Transcripts Online 

To obtain your GED transcript online, visit the official GED Testing Service website and follow the process for ordering transcripts. If you are uncertain about the location where you took the GED test, each state has a dedicated system for transcript requests that you can utilize. Navigate to and select the “Request Transcript” link at the top of the page. For those who took the GED test online, log in directly to the “MyGED” system and follow the provided instructions to obtain your transcript. If you completed the GED on paper, click on the “Get Transcript” link, leading you to a list of states. Choose the state where you took the test and follow the instructions to request your transcripts.

For both scenarios, a user account is required, although certain states permit test takers to request documents via phone or mail. If you already have an account in the first situation, that assumption may not apply to the second. Not to worry! Following the selection of your location, you can easily create a user account if you do not have one already.

How does a GED diploma differ from a GED transcript?

The GED diploma is the certificate granted by your state, signifying the attainment of your high school equivalency. On the other hand, the transcript serves as the official record of all the test subjects you completed, including your corresponding scores. When applying to colleges and universities, it’s common for them to request copies of both documents for acceptance and enrollment in classes. Explore the information on obtaining both your diploma and transcripts after successfully passing the GED test! Learn how to pass the GED test here.

Replacement Copies

Unfortunately, there is no national process when ordering a replacement GED diploma or transcript. Again, each state has its own process and the can vary widely. For example, in some states, copies of GED diplomas and transcripts are provided by the organization where you took your GED test. Others are kept with the state agency in charge. We recommend everyone keep records regarding where and how you took your test. This makes ordering replacement documents in the future a lot easier.

To request a replacement, contact the organization you took your test with. For instance, this can be an online testing company or an adult education program. Some students take their GED class and test at a local high school or vocational school. In any case, these programs will replace a lost GED transcript or diploma. If they don’t have a copy, someone should refer you to a state agency where you can retrieve the requested documents. If all else fails, or you didn’t keep information about where you took your test, contact your state Department of Education. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

What can I do if I lost my GED Certificate?

Visit your state Department of Education’s website or contact them directly. Online, locate the section containing order forms for “replacement of a lost GED certificate.” The process is straightforward in some states, where you can download a form from the agency’s website, print it, fill in the required details, and submit it. In other states, you may need to request a paper form either by phone or through the website, which might take a bit longer than using a web form. Alternatively, you can compose a letter requesting a copy of your GED transcript and diploma.

If opting for the letter, ensure to include the following information:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Full name at the time of the test
  • Location and year of the test
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number

Expect to pay a small processing fee, typically payable by certified check or money order. Finally, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope large enough for your GED diploma to lay flat. Mail the form or letter to the appropriate state agency. Processing for most physical diploma and/or transcript orders typically takes around 1-2 days, but the delivery via mail can extend to several weeks.

check this out: How much does GED test cost?

GED® Badges

GED® Badges serve as evidence of the dedication and skills demonstrated in successfully completing your GED®. These digital badges can be showcased on social media profiles and emails. Upon achieving ‘College Ready’ or ‘College Ready+Credit’ status in a test, or obtaining your GED, you will receive a badge through the Credly platform. Each badge obtained serves as a digital affirmation of your GED diploma and achievements. These badges are easily and securely shared and verified online. Enhance your visibility and recognition by employers, colleges, and friends by sharing them online. You can earn up to five GED badges — one for each subject where you score ‘College Ready’ or ‘College Ready + Credit’, and one for earning your GED credential after passing all four subjects.

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